Forestry Publications
Irish Forestry: is a peer-reviewed journal publishing forestry research articles. It also covers all aspects of practice, history, policy, culture and related areas of forestry interest in Ireland. Irish Forestry has been published continuously since 1943. Full text articles are available free of charge as PDF files. Irish Forestry is published by the Society of Irish Foresters and is Ireland’s only technical publication on forestry.
Forestry and Timber Yearbook – published annually by the Irish Timber Growers Association (ITGA), this yearbook and online directories feature a directory of companies, consultants, enterprises and organisations involved in the Irish forestry industry and forest products sector. It also includes comprehensive industry statistics, details of current grants, premium rates and forestry taxation.
Crann Magazine – published quarterly by Crann, a voluntary tree organisation dedicated to the promotion and protection of trees, hedgerows and woodlands in Ireland. The magazine is a mix of technical and non-technical material relating to trees, but also features interesting and relevant pieces about the environment and wildlife, plants and nature. The magazine is distributed to members of Crann.
Irish Farmers Journal – is a weekly farm newspaper that is Ireland’s leading agricultural publication. It is the main source of Irish farming and rural news, information, and classified advertisements. A regular column on forestry is written by Donal Magner.
Farming Independent – a weekly supplement to the Irish Independent newspaper which features a regular column on forestry matters.
The Irish Forester – a bi-annual newsletter published by the Society of Irish Foresters which keeps members up to date with local, national and international forestry issues.
Forestry and Wood Update – compiled bi-monthly this COFORD newsletter is distributed via email to subscribers.
ITGA Newsletter – compiled periodically and distributed to members of the Irish Timber Growers Association the national representative body of private woodland owners in Ireland.
Teagasc Forestry eNews – a Teagasc advisory newsletter is aimed principally at the farm forest owner. It covers a wide range of topics from upcoming events – field days, conferences, training days also practical forest management tips, Teagasc research projects etc.
Coford publications – by far the largest source of forestry literature published in Ireland. Coford publishes a wide range of documents based on the outputs from its R&D funding programmes. These include books, project reports, information notes, newsletters and articles.
Irish Tree Council publications – the ITC regularly produces and publishes a range of tree-related posters, books and leaflets. A list of books is available at:
Others – listed in the National Library of Ireland Catalogue. This online catalogue has comprehensive listings of published Irish forestry literature:
Irish Forestry and Forest Products Literature of the 20th Century – this database, funded by Coford, lists over 1,700 references on Irish forestry and forest products literature. It includeds both published and grey literature and covers the period from 1900 to 1999.